Demographics Served

MY CURRENT ROLE... allows me to teach art to multiple demographics. On a monthly basis I work with senior citizens through the local nursing home/extend care facilities and the VA Hospital. On a monthly basis I also work with children who have developmental behaviors. During the school year I work with rural school students, local adult students and the local after school program. In the summers I work with the local kids during the summer art program. The Art Centers website is:

Monday, December 8, 2008


Well, I went to an Auction. Came home with 3 truck loads of furniture and about 7 boxes of misc. hardware. I even have some use for some of the stuff. Just putting the finishing touches on the Christmas Letter. Marie and I set, plumbed & caulked in the kitchen sink today. Turn the handle and water comes out. No leaks - yet. I am squaring off with the bathroom this week. Hope to have the toilet and tub in by Saturday.